Publicado por eSEO en 12:07
Information, events and resources on occupational safety and occupational health. Promoting safety and health at work.
The EU-OSHA launched the European Campaign on Risk Assessment on Friday 6th of June. The purpose of the "Healthy Workplaces" campaign is the promotion of a management approach that considers the different stpes of risk assessment.
There is a great deal of resources available to help promoting the campaign and implementing the risk assessments, (e.g.: Risk - Assessment Office Checklist).
Publicado por eSEO en 10:53
Etiquetas: EU-OSHA, Healthy Workplaces
International Nurses Day will be celebrated on 12 May (Florence Nightingale's birthday) around the world.
This year, the theme is "Delivering Quality, Serving Communities: Nurses Leading Primary Health Care"
This week is very important for Safety and Health at Work around the World. Today, 28th of April, is the “World Day for Safety and Health at Work”, this year with the theme "Managing Risk in the Work Environment". On this day, many events and conferences will take place around the world, and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) will be under the spotlight, at least for one day.
On Thursday, we will celebrate 1st of May, an occasion to look back and see the many advances achieved in OSH in different countries.
However, recent tragedies like the one in Casablanca last week, with at least 55 workers dead, reminds us that there is still a lot to do to spread OSH around the world.
Publicado por eSEO en 9:33
Etiquetas: ILO, World Day for Safety and Health at Work
foto credit: Vebate
The EU-OSHA has published a Web section on HORECA (HOtels, REstaurants and CAtering), a growing sector with have a negative impact on occupational safety and health (OSH), due to factors like heavy workload, long working hours, and many other, wich makes it a sector with many work related diseases.
In addition to this, EU-OSHA has published different publications related to the HORECA sector, wich address the handling of dangerous substances, prevention of MSDs and other common sectorial risks.
Publicado por eSEO en 7:17
Etiquetas: HORECA, publications