jueves, 14 de junio de 2007

ENWHP 7th initiative on life-style.

The ENWHP (European Network for Workplace Health Promotion) has developed its 7th initiative on life-style related Workplace Health Promotion (WHP).

It focuses on 4 aspects:

1. Physical activity,
2. healthy diet,
3. mental health,
4. smoking prevention.

Find more information

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007

World Day against Child Labour

In line with the commemoration of the World Day against Child Labour the International Labour Organization (ILO) has published a report.

This report is divided in 4 sections, first it analyses the progress made in combating child labour, then presents actions taken from ILO, third global challenges and finally a global action plan.

As this report says, "The end of child labour: Within reach".