martes, 25 de septiembre de 2007

A+A 2007: A great event on Safety and Health at Work.

The A+A is probably the most important conference on the Safety and Health sector and takes places in Düsseldorf every other year. Due to its tradition (first conference took place in 1954), ability to gether many atendees and communication to decision-takers, the A+A is seen for many as an indicator for Safety and Health tends on pan-European market.

Taking this into account, we are satisfied to certified the success of this edition (18th to 21st of September), that had over 55,000 visitors and 1,400 exhibitors form as many as 51 countries.

If you missed the event it is easy (and worth) having a look at the summaries the organisation prepaired on the following links:

Opening day

Second day

Third Day

The next edition of this condeference will take place from 3rd to 6th of November 2009.