Information for the aftermath of hurricanes and storms
The types of materials are:
- QuickCards
- Fact Sheets
- Safety and Health Information Bulletins (SHIBs)
More information available here
Information, events and resources on occupational safety and occupational health. Promoting safety and health at work.
More information available here
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Etiquetas: hurricanes, OSHA, safety at work
Young workers are a group with higher risks than average. This situation gets even worse during summer, when many young workers get their first working experience. Very frequently either for lack of knowledge or due to the will to cause a good impression in the company young workers put themselves under risk situations.
Canada's National Occupational Health and Safety Resource (ccohs) enfasizes the importance of the working conditions of the youngest and newest in the staff, and offers many resources and personalised answers on the subject.
Information from CCOHS
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Etiquetas: accident prevention, CCOHS, Young worker